Global Risk Management Specialists.
Every solution requires thorough assessments and a comprehensive management of all circumstances and possible actions to be taken with the goals of protection and safety in mind. At GBSAPRI, we are specialized in Risk Management across all SECTORS. For our specific consultation, CONTACT US.
We accompany companies throughout the process of risk assessment, mitigation, and management with competence and reliability. Our customer-centric approach continuously drives us to enhance our know-how to efficiently and dynamically meet market demands. This highly personalized service makes us a professional and trustworthy partner.
We encourage the growth and development of our people on both a personal and professional level. We believe in a merit-based culture and are committed to rewarding individual results, dedication, and talent in the future. We are convinced that individuals should be able to unleash their potential in a stimulating and attractive work environment.
Our culture is built on the principles of dialogue and collaboration. We aim to place our people at the center, creating an inclusive environment based on trust and proximity. We are committed to ensuring proactive communication that aims to enhance and strengthen interpersonal relationships within the company and with our clients.
We operate in full compliance with the principles of ethics and transparency, which form the foundation of our activities and business model. We promote a fair approach in managing our stakeholders and draw inspiration from sustainability and integrity principles, which today are the cornerstones of our customer relationship strategy.
2024 © Copyright GBSAPRI S.p.A.
Registro Imprese Roma n. 12079170150, P.Iva di Gruppo n. 14995811008
C.F 12079170150 | CCIAA RM 985506 REA
Cap. Soc. sottoscritto e versato € 2.700.000 Società soggetta alla vigilanza dell’IVASS | RUI n. B000054892
è possibile consultare il registro unico degli intermediari assicurativi e riassicurativi (RUI) sul sito internet
Società soggetta a direzione e coordinamento di Appia Holding S.p.A.
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